Welcome to The Naked Truth... now take it off!
I have really random funny thoughts all the time and so I have decided to share them with all of you. ENJOY :)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I facebook common criminals! Don't we all?
I could not possibly be the only person who gets names out of the newspaper and searches those names on Facebook! It is not like I have gone as far as to friend these accused criminals but sometimes I am overcome with curiosity and cannot help myself. I look up thieves, drug kingpins, rapists, tax evaders, suspended public school teachers, all the air traffic controllers who fall asleep on the job, terrorists I mean I really do not give a hoot as long as I can get some more background information.
Do I need background information on all 47 of the members of a credit card/identity theft ring? Maybe! What I know for sure is that I have a knack for utilizing and damn near exploiting all available resources and thanks to Mark Zuckerberg I can do this with much ease.
The truth is that in the age of social networking people better get used to the idea that every couple of seconds someone is going be clicking on you. Whether it be your linkedin profile, your twitter account, or that picture of you digging up your nose in Penn Station we (meaning myself and the rest of the free world) have access to you!
You do not have the be a criminal outed on the 8 o'clock news to feel or be exposed. If you did not know, I along with many others use Facebook as a watchdog. So for all you criminals out there I'M WATCHING YOU, I'M READING YOUR UPDATES, I'M TRACKING YOUR RELATIONSHIP STATUS AND I'M LOOKING AT YOUR TAGGED PHOTOS! For everyone else, I am doing all of thee above and definitely clicking your boyfriend/girlfriend's name and going through her pics too. If you do not want to be found...MOVE TO MARS #Imjustsaying
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